I asked my daughter this morning what the letter A was for. She looked at me, tilted her head as she does when shes thinking hard about something and answered "Apple, A is for Apple." The simplicity of it reminded me of how simple things like writing should be. Instead of looking for complicated twists and turns, the best basic stories are the ones we remember the best. Apples are the simplest fruit, its not trying to be something its not. At the end of the day, you can count on an apple to be a steady yummy treat that doesn't ruin your diet or make you over-think your life. I think that writing should be the same way. I need to satisfy my need to write while balancing the anxiety that often crowds my thoughts.  So A is for Apple, anticipation for the fun of the next month and anxiety that comes with trying something new.
4/1/2013 05:31:28 am

I love the simplicity of this and what a great reminder! Thank you.

4/1/2013 08:24:40 am

I agree that the simplicity is nice. I love hearing what children have to say about things sometimes, it's always a nice reminder that sometimes as adults, we over complicate things.

4/1/2013 09:25:26 am

A wonderful start to the month. Like you I find the simplicity of your daughter's apple astounding and a reminder to me that I need to avoid overcomplicating my posts during April.

4/1/2013 09:41:40 am

I love the simplicity of this its really refreshing, I am also doing the A-Z challenge I wish now I had a child to give me a word or two :)

4/2/2013 05:16:05 am

It is too bad how we lose our ability to see things for what they really are as we become older. It usually takes out a child to point out the obvious. Great post. ~~Emmly Jane @ Unconditional love with a few conditions


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