I have to admit that I am not the fondest of change. I tend to stay in my little rut for as long as possible, doesn't matter if I should or not either. I just don't like the unknown. I think its mostly has to do with my extreme anxiety. This year is about change for me. Its not just about a new baby, its about a lot of little thing that I have worked on changing over the last couple years. Trying to eat better, take walks most days, talk to people. Allow myself to experience rather than observe life. In a couple week, Hubby and i are going on a spontaneous trip to Disneyland. Its going to be fun but I am still worried that there are things that need to be done that I am not thinking about. Again, just silly anxiety but that's how my head works.  One of the things i am hoping to learn from this blogging challenge is the ability to follow through on things. My C entry is late but I know that I can finish it and still do D today just fine. Its allowing myself to make small mistakes or procrastinations without freaking out all together.  Change is good if I let it be.

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